

NiceCoat India Powder Coating: Where Illumination Meets Aesthetics

Light fixtures serve the essential purpose of providing illumination, but they also need to make a statement in terms of aesthetics. Whether your design leans toward traditional, modern, industrial, contemporary, or country style, the colors, patterns, textures, and effects that harmonize with the fixture’s shape and character are crucial. At NiceCoat India, we offer a wide array of stylish colors and effects that seamlessly blend with the design, regardless of its style.

Our Lighting Industry Solutions: NiceCoat India takes pride in offering an extensive range of powder coatings meticulously designed for the lighting industry. Whether it’s residential, commercial, indoor, industrial, or outdoor lighting, our products are tailored to ensure your fixtures not only look great but also withstand the demands placed on them.

What Sets NiceCoat Apart?

Enhanced Performance: Our coatings go beyond aesthetics. They offer improved fingerprint resistance, resistance to yellowing, and exceptional exterior performance in terms of color retention, salt, and humidity resistance.

Custom Solutions: Need to enhance the performance of your lighting fixtures in hospitals, labs, or care facilities? We have the coating solution for you. Lighting the way in public spaces? Our coatings make graffiti removal a breeze. Looking to add extra illumination? Ask about our high-reflective whites.

Electrical Segment Applications: Powder coatings have found a home in the electrical segment, serving applications such as control panels, telephones, transformers, and lamps. For years, powder coatings have been the choice due to their technical, economic, and environmental advantages.

NiceCoat India Powder Coating not only illuminates spaces but also elevates the visual appeal and durability of lighting fixtures. We bring together art and science to ensure your lighting solutions shine brilliantly.


  • Motor windings and housings
  • Transformers
  • Switch gears
  • Electric junction boxes
  • Electric connectors
  • Electrical cabinets
  • Lighting fixtures
  • Computers
  • Telecommunications


  • Computer casings
  • Computer components
  • Encapsulation
  • Telecommunications
  • Gaming
  • Laptops
  • Self Service Technology
  • Telecommunications


End Use: UPS, Invertors, computer servers, Parabolic Dish Antenna, CPU enclosures.

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